First of all...I liked this chass very much!!!
There were only 6 students in our class, but I liked all of them and had a good time with them through classes.
As I told you before, it was my first time to blog in English. Sometimes I had use dictionary and took time to write, but I learned many words and expression by using it. I've liked writing, and I like that more than before, I think. As for reading, I think it's very good way to extend my vocabulary. I want to continue to read English books.
I hope many students are going to have this class from now. This class helped me a lot.
Thank you so much!!!
Feb 2, 2007
☆Final blog chack☆
The number of post: 60
The number of words: 13, 020
The number of post in October: 12
The number of post in November: 10
The number of post in December: 23
The number of post in January: 15
The number of words: 13, 020
The number of post in October: 12
The number of post in November: 10
The number of post in December: 23
The number of post in January: 15
Jan 25, 2007
San Antonio Day☆

We had an event which is called San Antonio Day at Kumamoto City International Center. A city official introduced the city by using power point, an Amarican staff who works at Kumamoto city hall introduced his family and America, an exchange student from San Antonio gave a speech about her life in Kumamoto, and I gave a speech about my experience in San Antonio last year.
I just finished writing the text of a speech before I left home to the city hall. I had no time to practice(>_<) In the city hall, I was introduced to some city officials. Later pics which I brought got into print. After that we went to the International Center. We arranged chairs, snacks, drinks and so on. There were not so many people as we had expected, so we were disappointed.
At 6:30 p.m. the event started. I talked for 20 minutes. Some people praised my speech, so I was very glad and got a lot of confidence. I hope some people had interested in the city through the event.
After the event, I was invited to the dinner and went to the Japanese restaurant in downtown with a city official. We talked a lot of things there and had a good time. Of course, the food was really delicious!!! I want to join the event like this again.
Jan 23, 2007

This book introduce general informetion of the United States for us. There are map, history, organization of people, food, car, problems, sports, entertainment and so on. There weren't so many new information specially.
Let me show you some new American information in this book for me.
1: Dinner-time for most Americans is 6:00 p.m.
2: About 750,000 people move to the United States every year.
3: Hollywood makes about 570 movies in a year.
4: Jack Nicholson likes to watch bascketball.
5: Nashvill is the center of country music.
Have you known them?!
Jan 21, 2007

I saw a movie, The Wizard of Oz. I've seen a outdoor play of this story when I was in high school. However, I couldn't understand it at all because it played in English. So I didn't know the story at all till now.
I belong to American literature seminer now and we read one short story this semester. In the story, this song, Over the Rainbow, play a important role. That's why I remembered this story and watched it.
Just like before I found this movie on the website for free. It was made in 1939, but it was great. I cannot believe that it's so old movie!!! It's surprising.
I know most people know the plot but I show you a bit. Dorothy lives in Kanzas. One day she caught a tornade and went into Oz, very wonder land. She meets some witches, has company. And she went to see a wizard of Oz to go back her home, Kanzas.
I liked this story so much. It taught me some important things which I'm easy to forget in my daily life. Usually I never watch musical movies, but I liked it!
Jan 17, 2007

I read Little Women. This story is known as Wakakusa Monogatari(young grass story!) in Japan. The story was animated cartoon when I was a little kid. I had plastic sheet of the cartoon! I've watched it but I forgot them.
There are March family, father, mother and four daughters in the book. Their names are Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. They had some trouble, but they overcome them all. In the cartoon, I remember that I liked Beth the best. However, I like Jo in the book. Well, this book is for beginner, so I couldn't see the detail of the story. I want to see a movie or book of it when I have a chace!!! I'm sure I love it.
Jan 15, 2007
Spending time with friends☆

I had a two appointment with friends today. Around noon I went to a family reataurant with my classmate near my apartment to talking with her. Actually we wanted to talk about ourselves deeply for job hunting. When we entry for the exam of companies, we need to tell them about our thinking, parsonality and so on. So we kept talking for more than 5 hours. She told me my parsonality a lot. My good point is that I'm a man of observation and tough, and my weak point is that I'm easy to be do you think? I think they're true. I'm not sure how it'll be going now, but I hope both of us will be able to have a job which we want.
After 5 p.m. I went out with my friends whom I met when I was in San Antonio and his girlfriend. He was a exchange student as me last year, and he goes to the university in Kumamoto. His girlfriend has come to San Antonio to visit him, so I've known her. First he drove me around the east part of Kumamoto city to show it. Then we went to Karaoke! Both of them like singing very much, and also they are good singer. Very different from me^^; We sang and sang♪ I've not been there to sing songs since last July, so I had a very good time!!! After that, all of us was hungry, so we went to SUKIYA, a restaurant of a bowl of rice topped with cooked beef) . I ordered Gyudon, salad and miso soup. They are good though they cost me only 450 yen. I got full! We talked about memories of San Antonio, friends there. Also I asked them about job hunting because they are senior. They advised me a lot. I want to do my best. Around 1 a.m. I got home. I'd love to meet them again if I'll have a chance!
Jan 14, 2007
Today's part-time job☆

I had a part-time job today, so I went the place as usual. And I was doing my daily task. Suddenly, I was asked to go to help my coworkers who are working in next room by my boss. I couldn' t understand at first, but I went to the room. Then I saw they were washing and cutting vegetables!!! I was very surprised because we do office work usually. I asked them why they were doing, and they explained the reason to me. That's because we are going to have a charity event tomorrow. I can't join them, so I totally forgot about that. They were preparing pork and vegitable soup which will be surved to everyone who join it. So, I washed radishes, carrots and taros. After that I peeled them by using a vegetable peeler!(I have no ability to do that by a knife^^;) It took us long a time and we got tired. However, I clould talk a lot of things with coworkers and boss. It was fun and good chance to know each other well. Around 9 p.m. we began to smell cooking them...I felt hungry. After all we finished cooking the soup at 10 p.m.! Cookies and choclates was handed around. Also my boss bought us, part-time worker, a can of hot coffee. We were very happy♪ By the way, I regret that I can't join the event tomorrow and eat the soup we made...sigh(;_;)
Jan 12, 2007
The Alamo☆

In the class, I saw the trailers of the movies. I specially chose The Alamo. I've know this story because it's very famous fight in Texas. However, I've never watched it, unfortunately. This movie(Maybe old one) will be shown for free at the Kumamoto City International Center next week. I can't go because of part-time job. However, if you have time, please go to watch it! You can see the schedule from my Kumamoto links on the left side!
I did the exercise on the website. It was not easy, but I could answer all of it after I used the earphone!
English Trailers:
I did the exercise on the website. It was not easy, but I could answer all of it after I used the earphone!
English Trailers:
Jan 11, 2007

Do you know SLAM DUNK, a series of very popular comic book???
I think everyone as same age as me knows. Of course, not only people at my age. I was addicted to this book when I was in junior high school. I bought all of the book and I was reading them everyday. By the way, I remember this book was made into an amination on TV when I was around 10 years old.
I found this animated cartoon on website as I wrote before and watched them. They showed me theme songs also and they brought me back elementary school. I could watch only 5 stories for free. I want to watch more but that was enough for me. I'd love to read comic books when I go back to hometown^^

On my way home from part- time job, I went to Mos Burger with coworker to eat dinner. It was after 10pm. I was planning to eat dinner at home, but the colleague wanted me to go together, so I went with her. Actually it was the first time for me to go to Mos Burger in Kumamoto. I don't usually go there because it's more expensive compared with McDonald's. I wanted eat the one on the TV commercial but I chose another one. I chose croquette focaccia because I wanted to eat croquette! Also I ordered salad and pop. They were very good as I thought^^b
We talked for two hours over eating. Actually the coworker kept talking about her boyfriend^^; But it's okay. Anyway I want to go there to eat barbecue focaccia if I have a chance♪
Jan 9, 2007

Today I read Jennifer Lopez. As everybody knows, she is a latin Ameican singer and actress. And Jennifer's life was written in this book.
She was born in NY as a children of latin American parents. She liked dancing, singing and acting when she was a girl. Later, she came to like Madonna and stopped going to school. She got out of her house to learn dancing. Her parents couldn't understand that. First she got a job as a dancer and succeeded. After that she got a job as a actress finally. Her movie became very popular. Then, she began to sing a song. She became very popular singer although a lot of actress couldn't succeed as a singer. And now she is a NO.1 latino star.
That's what the book says.
Jennifer Lopez's been a matter of gossip in U.S., I think. There were too many article about she and her boyfriends on gossip magazine such a IN TOUCH . Also on TV I often see her as a matter of love affair. That's why I didn't like her so much. However, I like her movies. Especially I like MONSTER in LAW. I hope that I can find the DVD in Japan soon.
She was born in NY as a children of latin American parents. She liked dancing, singing and acting when she was a girl. Later, she came to like Madonna and stopped going to school. She got out of her house to learn dancing. Her parents couldn't understand that. First she got a job as a dancer and succeeded. After that she got a job as a actress finally. Her movie became very popular. Then, she began to sing a song. She became very popular singer although a lot of actress couldn't succeed as a singer. And now she is a NO.1 latino star.
That's what the book says.
Jennifer Lopez's been a matter of gossip in U.S., I think. There were too many article about she and her boyfriends on gossip magazine such a IN TOUCH . Also on TV I often see her as a matter of love affair. That's why I didn't like her so much. However, I like her movies. Especially I like MONSTER in LAW. I hope that I can find the DVD in Japan soon.
Jan 8, 2007

I watched movie again since it was still winter vacation! I wanted to watch this movie so much for 2 years. I knew this story from a English literature class I took before. I just read the plot, but I had interests in this story. Some of friends were the same as me. By the way, this movie was on the website for free. I didn't know the exsistence of such kind of website because I don't know about PC so much. There are a lot of movies on the website. So I want to watch movies as much as I can from now!!!
It was black- and- white film. So I felt it seemed to have been real. What I was scared the most in the movie was Heathcliff. I don't think he is bad or devil at all. But his too much desire for revenge and his passion a mad. The story of this movie was different from the real novel. There are much more to follow, actually. I also read the novel when I'll have plenty of time in the near future.
Jan 7, 2007
Finally I watched one of the most famous movies, Gone with the Wind today!!! I've tried to watch it before, but I've never watched by the end because this movie is tooooo long to concentrate^^; It take more than 3 hours to finish. However this time was different.
This movie is too famous to explain. I knew the story a bit from book of Amarican literature, but I enjoyed it very very much.
First of all, casting is great. I thought Clark Gable was exactly as a Rhett Butler and so Vivien Leigh was!!! They looked as if they had jumped out of the book. Also they acted very well. Scarlett O'Hara grew up through the war. At first I didn't like her because she was egotistic and rude. However she changed a lot. After watching it, I liked her character. She has a passion, too much passion. By the way, I'm curious to know how she will do from then. I want to see the sequel to this movie very much!!!
Jan 6, 2007

I read Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp. I've read this story when I was very little, but I did't remember the plot of it.
Aladdin is a lazy boy and his mum was tired of him. One day a man came to him. The man told them that he is a brother of Aladdin'd dad who passed away before. The man was rich and bought tham a lot of things. However, he was a magician. He wanted to get a enchanted lamp, so he tried to make use of Aladdin. But he failed and Aladdin got it. After that Aladdin and his mum found that the lamp was enchanted. They asked jinnee for food, clothes and so on. They became rich. Then, Aladdin fell in love with a princess at first sight. And he could get married with her as his wish. However, the man who pretented that he was a Aladdin's uncle tried to get the lamp back from Aladdin, and took the lamp, the princess and their castle from Aladdin. But Aladdin took them back and lived with the princess happily.
After reading it, I told the story to my grandma. I was glad that she enjoyed listening my talking. I also enjoyed it so much.
Jan 5, 2007

I watched a movie, COLD MOUNTAIN on TV. It was broadcasted as a special New Year program. I knew this movie because Renee Zellweger, my favirite actress, received a Academy Award as a supporting actress in this movie. I wanted to watch it, but I've never had a good chance.
This is a love story. Ada(Nicole Kidman) and Inman(Jude Law) love each other but Inman left their town because of the Civil War. Ada writes to Inman and told him she wants him to come back. Inman decides to go back to meet Ada again.....
It was so beautiful story and I liked it. However there were too many tragic scenes in this movie because of the war. So when I finished watching this movie, I was completely depressed(;_;) I think I can't see it again...but I want many people to watch it because it's a very good movie after all.
Jan 4, 2007
Going to the shrine☆

Yesterday I went to the shrine to pay homage with dad. We usually go to a shrine in Saga prefecture, but this year we went to the one which is near our home. I've not been there for 5 or 6 years. I drew a fortune slip called Omikuji, and I got Suekichi(not good fortune...) as usual...I always get Suekichi. I got tired of it(*_*) After that we went to restaurant to eat lunch and talked a lot about my job hunting. I told dad how I'm thinking and doing it these days. I have to do my best from now! After getting back home, I went to downtown to see my friends in high school. I asked them a lot of questions about their job and job hunting since they work now. They encouraged me and I felt good. I hope we'll see each other again!
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