As same as last week, I chose a book of Jacqueline Wilson this week. I like her books. They're easy to understand and can learn something from them. The title of the book is Double Act.
Ruby and Garnet are twins, and they are bestest best friend. However, Ruby is active girl and Garnet was shy and quiet. They are very very different in that point. Their(actually, it should be called Ruby's) dream is being a great actress. They've lived with their Dad and grandma happily. Their mum passed away three years ago. They have been missing her. One day, they found a account book at their home. They decided to write down anything they want on it. The writings are what we read in this book, Double Act.
One day their dad brought one lady, whose name is Rose, to their house. She is his girlfriend!!! Ruby and Garnet didn't like me at all...even they hated her! Also their grandma didn't like her so much. After that, their dad began to move to country to open his own bookstore. So, their life began to change a lot. They had to leave their home, their school and friends. Also they had to say good-bye to grandma because she decided to live by herself in apartment. They were sad and didn't want to move out, but they had no choice. Ruby and Garnet hated their new life. They couldn't get used to new school either. Sometimes they had trouble with gangs at school.
Ruby had a big dream...being actress! And she found big chance to be a actress on newspaper one Saturday. It was audition for girl twins. It was what she wanted! Ruby asks Garnet to join together. Garnet doesn't like show up in front of a lot of people, so she told Ruby that she didn't want. But after all she couldn't refuse. They practice for it a bit. And on the audition day, they went to London by themselves in the early morning without saying anything about it to their dad! Ruby did quite good at the audition and she had confidence. But, Garnet got nervous as she was expected and she saw dad was looking at her. She couldn't say anything...and they couldn't pass the audition.
Next Ruby began to think of going to boarding school with Garnet. The school looked very nice, but they wanted to get out from their home and school at country more. Ruby sent letter to the president of the school and they knew that one of them can get a scholarship. They told dad about this plan and they went to take exam. Ruby and Garnet didn't doubt that Ruby would get the scholarship, but actually the one who got it was Garnet. She did really good job in writing essay and academic test. Ruby didn't like it. She jealous of Garnet very very much. Ruby have been thinking she is better than Garnet, so she couldn't stand it. Ruby began to ignore Garnet from that day. Ruby didn't talk to her and listened to her at all. She dressed differently and cut her hair differently. Garnet was thinking about going to the boarding school by herself. She didn't want to go without Ruby, but she decided to go later. The day Garnet leave home for boarding school, finally they could make it up. Ruby missed Garnet very much. They're going to be best twins, Ruby and Garnet forever and ever and ever.
I liked this story very much! I knew the reality of twins and I wish I had twin sister. Their relationship between them is very strong and seems that it'll never break though they have quarrel sometimes. Ruby is aggressive(sometimes too much) and Garnet can be called weak. So, I think Garnet have been doing what Ruby wanted for a long time. Actually she had no her own idea. Therefore, being separate for a while would be good chance to grow up to them. They will learn not to rely on each other so much as before. I liked the ending of this book this time.
As same as last week, >>
Just like last week,
They're easy to understand and can learn something from them. >>
They're easy to understand and I can learn something from them.
Thank you for your correction! I have to study English more~~~
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