Last week, I read Double Act and I really liked it, so I decided to read books of Jacqueline Wilson as much as I can from now!!! I'm very excited to choose her books. So, I read LIZZIE ZIPMOUTH this week. The illustration of cover and the title looked very interesting for me.
Lizzie is heroine of this book. The story begins with the scene she is getting her second step dad. She had her real dad, but he stopped living with her and her mum and didn't want to see them anymore. After that she got her first step dad. He was nice and friendly at first, but he began to shout at her and her mum. They left him and they have been living by themselves in very small flat. Lizzie liked their own life so much. However, her mum met her second dad, Sam. Lizzie had to move and live with Sam and his two sons. They are having fun but Lizzie didn't like them. Especially she couldn't believe Sam. She were thinking that he would change soon as her first step dad. And Lizzie decided not to say a word to anyone, even for her mum. That's why Jake, Sam's second son, began to call her "Lizzie Zipmouth".
One day they visited Sam's grandma's house. She is Great-Gran for Lizzie. She didn't look so friendly when Lizzie met her for the first time. Lizzie found the there are huge amount of dolls inside Great-Gran's house. Lizzie liked dolls, so she had great interest in it. Later Great-Gran asked Lizzie to speak up. She told Lizzie that she can do it if she really wants to. At that time, her tongue and teeth began to move and she told her some words! A few days later, Sam suggested that he took Lizzie to Great-Gran's house again and she visited her. She enjoyed a lot and also talked with her. She really liked to visit her. And later, Lizzie spoke up in front of their family finally. All of them were very surprised and looked at her. They were very glad to hear that. Also Lizzie came to like them gradually. However, one night Great-Grand got very bad ill and had to be in hospital. When Lizzie went to hospital to see her, she couldn't speak and walk. It took 3 months to learn how to walk and didn't get completely better. But now she was cheerful as before and did a lot of things with help. When Lizzie and Great-Gran bought a beautiful big china doll, Great-Grand named her Elizabeth, and that was Lizzie's real name. She was very very happy! Her mouth totally unzipped!!!
Lizzie decided not to talk to anyone. I can understand her. I think she had bad memories about her real dad and step dad, so she couldn't believe people(adult). Also she wanted to know her mum her feeling. However her mum couldn't notice it. She told Lizzie to stop being silly. I think Lizzie's mum should be more thoughtful. She is too insensitive. So it was very good chance to meet Great-Gran for Lizzie. She could open herself to their family by meeting Great-Gran. There are a lot of children who are in the same situation as Lizzie's in. So, this story made me think about this kind of problem the more.
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