I've been reading one book recently. I take a Japanese History class this semester, and I need to write a report of the book. The title of it is Kugai jyoudo. The subject matter of this book is "Minamata byou". It's a kind of disease which happened in Minamata-city, Kumamoto about 50 years ago. The chemical factory in Minamata city drained water out into the sea. The water contained mercury. So, a lot of fishes were polluted. Also people who ate these fishes were polluted and they had disease which was called Minamata byou. The nerve had a lot of damages by the mercury. People's bodies began to shake and they couldn't speak rightly. Gradually they began to lose eyesight and had insanity. Some people died and the other had to suffer from it till the end of their life.
I've known this disease because I had learned it in social studies in elementary and junior high school. I remember the pics of people who had this disease very clearly. All of them were so thin and small as a little kid. It was too tragic. However, I didn't know how were their life and their family at all. In this book, we can know that. So, reading this book is too hard for me to continue sometimes. This book makes me think a lot of things.
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