I feel like reading many books these days. That's why I borrowed some books from the library today. I read Wizards first of all.
There are three stories in this book, and different wizards appear in each chapter. All of the wizards are unique and I liked them. Sometimes they are silly, but they manage to solve their problems.
My favorite story is "The man with a lump on his nose". It was funny. There were one man whose name is Egbert and he had a lump on his nose. His wife told him to go to see a wizard, Mott for help. So he went to see Mott. After seeing the lump, Mott opened his book of spells and asked Egbert like this. "Do you want an expensive cure, or a cheap cure?" He wanted a cheap one. Mott gave him a stone and taught how to cure to him. After that he did as Mott told him. He rubbed his nose with the stone. And put the stone into a paper bag and buried it. His nose got better soon and he was so happy. Suddenly his wife came, and told him that she opened the paper bag which he buried and she has a lump on her nose...She was angry^^;
I felt sorry for her, but it's funny.
I'm glad to hear you feel like reading lots of books. I haven't read this book yet. Is it an Usborne book?
Yes, it is. I like Usborne books!
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