This month is going to be very busy for me. I know that from now.
First of all, I changed a part-time job. So, I have a lot of things to learn and do. To get used to the job, it'll take me some times. Sometimes it's stressful too. Yesterday was the very first day to work at new place....and I'm confusing a bit now. My free time will be shorter because I work longer than ever(>_<)
Second, I take an American literature seminar. We are reading three short stories in the class. This month is our turn to do presentation about one of the novel. So...I have to read it more carefully, discuss in a group and need to make resumes.
And, I take the other English literature class and we read one book which is written by Iranian woman. All of the students need to make a resume and discuss about it. The book is pretty busy compared with other English books I read now. From this month, the range of reading we need will be longer.
And and...I have two reports which due is this month!!! One of the reports is for the English literature class, and the other is for Japanese history class which I also take.
Hum...I don't know if I can manage it or not, but I have to do them!!!!!!! Anyway I'll do my best^^b
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