I found a funny book. That's today's book, Giants have feelings, too. Do you know a story of Jack and the Beanstalk? I think most people know it. Half part of the book is Jack and the Beanstalk, normal story everyone knows. However, the other part of the book is this story, Giants have feelings, too. Yes, it is a story from the point of view of giant who Jack met. At first, I read the normal story and read Giant have feelings, too. It was funny!!!
In this story, Jack is described as a bad boy and the Giants tell us they were kind to Jack. The Giants say, "He had no right to take what was ours or to hurt my husband. Giants have feelings, you know. You wouldn't hurt a giant's feelings, would you?" at the end of the story.
After reading this story, I felt like being on the Giant's side. Come to think of it, the Giants didn't do anything bad to Jack. The Giant's wife was kind to him, actually. So, was Jack a just a stealer?!
I'm glad to hear that you liked this book. I ordered it and a few more of the same type about 6 months ago, but you're the first person to read one and write about it.
Really! You orddered these books!!! Yes, I liked it and actually I read the other one. I'll talk about it later^^
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