I read The Princess and the Pea. I've never heard this story before. Is this book famous? I don't know. I talk about this story.
Once upon a time, there were a king and a queen, and they had a son. He was young and fine. When the time for him to get married come, he had to find a wife. He didn't want to marry just any old princess. He wanted to find a real princess. The prince traveled all over the world to find one. He met a lot of princesses, but he couldn't find a real one. They didn't seem quite right. The prince was sad.
One night there was a huge storm and it rained very hard. Someone knocked the gate of their castle suddenly. The person told the king that she was a princess. The king took her into the castle. The girl was very wet from head to toe. The prince came and said, "Are you a real princess?" The girl answered yes. However, the queen wasn't sure about that, so she decided to find it out. She knew the way.
The queen went to the bedroom and removed all the bedding. Then she put one green pea on the bed. After that, she put 20 mattresses on the top of the pea and put 20 feather beds on the mattresses. Later the queen told the girl to sleep there, and the girl went to bed.
The next morning the girl greeted the king and queen. The queen asked if the girl could sleep well or not. The girl told her she couldn't sleep at all because of something hard and big which was in her bed. The queen said, "Only a real princess would feel the little pea in the bed!" She thought the girl was a real princess. The prince found a real one finally and he was very happy. The prince and the girl got married the next day.
I can understand the prince wanted a real princess...but what's the "real" mean??? Toooo difficult. And the girl could find out the existence of the pea. Is it real?? I think the girl is just a superwoman!!! Don't you think so?!
I don't know the answers to your questions. But I have a question of my own: What edition of the book is this? The colours look very nice.
Edition?? Sorry, I don't know.
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